January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024
Europe/Brussels timezone



KU Leuven

Monique Snoeck

Monique is full professor at the KU Leuven Research Center for Management Informatics and visiting professor at the UNamur. She has research experience in issues related to software development: requirements engineering and technology acceptance, enterprise modelling, business process management, and low-code software development. She also researches the teaching and learning of these topics.


Joep Crompvoets

Joep is professor and research manager in information management in the public sector covering domains such as e-Governance, public sector innovation, GIS, and (spatial) data infrastructures. He is secretary-general of EuroSDR – a not-for-profit networkorganization linking national mapping and cadastral agencies with research institutes and universities across Europe for the purpose of applied research in geospatial information management.


Laurien Coenen

Laurien is a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven’s Public Governance Institute. She has an academic background in History and Political Sciences, Public Administration and Policy and Teaching in the fields of Social Studies and Philosophy. Her research interests include school leadership development and learning as means to professional well-being and collaborative and group reflective learning among professionals.


Trui Steen

Trui holds a chair in public governance and co-production of public services. She is vice-dean for research at the KU Leuven Faculty of Social Sciences. Trui is a respected researcher in issues related to coproduction and co-creation of public services. She is the founder of IIAS study group on coproduction of public services. She is also leading a research team that is highly valued as a centre for research on coproduction of public services. 


University of Namur

Anthony Simonofski

Anthony is assistant professor at the Business Administration Department of the University of Namur and guest researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the KU Leuven. His research focuses on the digital transformation of (public) organizations through several lenses, including: e-participation, smart cities, e-government, digital governance and open data.


Nicolas Bono Rossello

Nicolas is a Postdoctoral researcher in Digital and Information Management at the University of Namur. His research interests include digital citizen participation, artificial intelligence and network-based systems.



Antoine ClarinvalAntoine Clarinval

Antoine is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Namur. His research interests include digital citizen participation, human-computer interaction, information visualization, and Open Government Data. He teaches bachelor and master courses about information visualization and the industrial and environmental impact of technologies.


Corentin Burnay

Corentin is professor in Information Management at the Business Administration Department of the University of Namur. His research focuses on using software and requirements engineering methods to better specify and design the content and features offered by decision support systems (DSS) interfaces. He is particularly interested in studying requirements elicitation and how it helps to detect recurring defects of DSS interfaces.


Wafa Hammedi

Wafa is professor of Service Innovation and Management at the Business Administration Department of the University of Namur. Her primary research interests include service innovation, actor (user, customer and frontline employees) engagement. She is also interested in co-creation mechanisms (e.g. gamification) during open/collaborative innovation and within digital platforms in Business-to Business and B-to-C contexts.


Benoît Vanderose

Benoît is assistant professor in software engineering and quality at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Namur. His research interests include software engineering processes, Agile software development methods, code and process quality measurement, and smart cities and citizen participation.



University of Antwerp

Koen Verhoest

Koen is full research professor in comparative public administration, with a focus on governance, coordination, networks and trust in a multi-actor and multi-level context. He is particularly working on political control and performance of autonomous agencies in multi-level settings, interorganizational coordination and collaboration, public-private partnerships, innovation through collaboration and digitalization, agile government, etc. 


Cato Janssen

Cato is a researcher at the University of Antwerp. She is specialized in organizational and visual anthropology. Her research interests include practices of collaborative governance and the improvement of such practices through community engagement and collective ownership.



Emmanuel Dockx

Emmanuel is a researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. His research focuses on a wide range of topics, such as collaboration, public sector innovation, social housing, and digital co-creation. Over the years, he has been involved in various research projects, including Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing, PSI-CO (funded by BELSPO), TROPICO (funded by Horizon 2020), Steunpunt Wonen, and BeCoDigital (funded by BELSPO).


Wouter Van Dooren

Wouter is professor of public administration and internationally well-reputed for his work on performance management in the public sector, particularly indicator-based governance and the role of information and expertise in decision-making. He is also working on collaboration complexity, multiple accountabilities, citizen-state interactions, participation and policy conflict escalation.



Marlies Saelaert

Marlies is a researcher at the Epidemiology and public health service of Sciensano. She has a background in ethics and applies this to health(care)-related issues such as genetics and genomics, the secondary use of health data or public health challenges. Over the last years, she has also been involved in citizen engagement initiatives on ethical, legal and societal aspects of current evolutions in health and health care.


Brecht Devleesschauwer

Brecht is an epidemiologist at Sciensano and head of the Health Information Service. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Ghent. He conducts policy-driven research on synthetic indicators of public health and health inequalities. He contributed to the estimation of the global impact of foodborne diseases. He currently coordinates the Belgian National Burden of Disease Study, and chairs the European Burden of Disease Network.