January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024
Europe/Brussels timezone



📅 05.09.2023 - EGOV Conference @Budapest

In September, the UNamur BeCoDigital team participated in the EGOV-CeDEM-ePart conference to meet with the international research community on digital government, e-participation, and more. Nico presented a paper describing a novel network modelling approach to characterize and compare co-creation methods. It was a great chance to get feedback on possible model extensions and methodological choices, among others. The next steps of this ongoing research will focus on a validation of the model with co-creation practitioners.

📅 23.05.2023 - RCIS Conference @Corfu

In May, Antoine participated in the RCIS (Research Challenges in Information Science) conference to present a paper describing the objectives of BeCoDigital, with a special focus on how we explore the complementarity between co-creation methods and the role of AI in co-creation in Work Package 2. A great opportunity to receive feedback from researchers, complementing the rich insights given by the practitioners in April.

📅 11.05.2023 - IIAS Workshop @Nijmegen 

In May, Cato and Emmanuel presented at the 10th open meeting of the IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’ in Nijmegen. They presented a working paper on the next stage of citizen participation, which focused on conceptualizing and evaluating outcomes of digital co-creation initiatives. The workshop provided a great opportunity for feedback and discussion on the preliminary paper.

📅 24.04.2023 - Follow-Up Committee #1 @BELSPO

In April, the Follow-Up Committee of BeCoDigital met for the first time at the BELSPO premises. It was a great opportunity for the research team to discuss with practioners about the project background and objectives, the strengths and weaknesses of our preliminary plans, avenues for further collaboration, and practitioner-side expectations.

📅 26.01.2023 - Kick-off of BeCoDigital @Namur

In January, all BeCoDigital partners met to discuss the project objectives and research visions around several presentations and a convivial lunch.